About Us

Having had the wonderful experience of growing up surrounded by dogs from an early age I have come to love and adore all dogs equally.

Jet & Rolly

As a child, they loomed over me in stature but were loving and caring and to this day I believe they are the source of my fascination with wolves.

In these formative years, I also grew to love a Boxer named Jet. She would always sleep on the other side of my bedroom door as if to protect me. This amazing display of maternal instinct was only beaten by her excitement when the door was opened in the morning.
As I got older and the two of them moved to the park in the sky, I got to know my grandparents' ex-farm dog Rolly the Border Collie. Rolly, unfortunately, had a rough time as a farm dog and was technically a runaway, however, he came to be loved by everyone in the family and settled in well.


When I turned 16 after many years of begging my parents for a dog (like so many children that age) I met Riley, an energetic and surprisingly affectionate Parsons Jack Russell. The day I met him he was 6 months old and from the moment we met he curled up in my crossed legs and flopped to the floor. From then on I knew I had to have him. After a couple of weeks, my parents conceded and we adopted Riley from a lovely family and for the next 10 years, he was the most amazing dog with more character than sense.

I bring all of these influences to your attention to show you why I am so passionate about dogs, with many of them being rescued I know what it means to love and care for them. Additionally, I understand the heartbreak of losing your pet so it has become my mission to help as many people as I can avoid the unthinkable when it comes to a dog's behaviour.


This lovely dog is our name's sake and for good reason too. We adopted him in the summer of 2023 at the age of 6 months old from a small independent rescue centre. We know very little about the start of his life as he travelled from Greece to be with us, but it was clear from the moment we met him he was craving affection and help. He was filthy and very distrustful of people without the comfort of his four-legged friends around him. After a long shower and a good grooming session at home, he went from dirty brown to a lovely white with flecks of golden fur along his hackles and ears. To begin with he was very wary of his surroundings but loved to play and whenever food was presented to him, he’d eat so fast he had no time to chew. He’d always duck and avoid contact unless it was on his own terms. There was a lot of trust and training ahead of us.
After a few months (as is quite common in rescue dogs) he became more and more trusting of us and he allowed more and more play and petting on our terms. We taught him to wait for his food to a point where he chooses to ignore it entirely unless he’s hungry (he’s become a fussy eater). Although in most dog’s training never stops really, Asta has evolved into the dog he should be over many months. He’s loving, over excitable and a little bit of a grouch. He has a fascination with small dogs and enjoys boisterous play with bigger dogs. His instinctive learning has developed beyond what we could have ever hoped for and his prey drive is tricky to overcome. He has become our main motivation for helping others like him develop to be he best version of themselves.
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