Walks & Home Visits

1-2-1 Walks & Welfare Home Visits

At A.D.A.P.T we understand that you may not always be able to be around for your dog as life can get in the way and we are here to help. by booking with us you can rest assured that your dog will get the full 5* treatment with every visit or walk while you comprehensive updates of how things are going. We are fulling insured, DBS checked, canine first aid trained and qualified to help!

30 Minute Dog Walk
Recommended for small to medium dogs
£ 10.00
  • During this time we will come to your property and take your dog for an on the lead walk in your local area (or preferred park) and provide them with the opportunity to do plenty of sniffing. 

    The walk will be no shorter than 30 minutes and we will be sure to let you know how the walk went as well as any pictures taken will be sent to you as well.
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60 Minute Dog Walk
Recommended for medium to large dogs
£ 15.00
  • During this walk we will take your dog for a nice long walk around your local area and parks ensuring enough time for them to sniff as much as they like as well as having the chance to socialise when appropriate.

    The walk will be no shorter than 60 minutes and we will be sure to let you know how the walk went as well as any pictures taken will be sent to you as well. 
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Training Dog Walk
1 Hour
£ 25.00
  • This session is for those that wish to not only have their dog walked but have some of their behaviours addressed at the same time. All size dogs and breeds welcome, we will address any issues you would like from walking nicely on the lead to reactivity towards other dogs or people. 

    Included in this session will be a written report about the walk and our findings as well as tips on how to continue the training yourself. 
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In-call Canine Welfare check
15 minutes
£ 10.00
  • We will come to your home allow your dog into the garden to relieve themselves as well as top up any water or food at your request.

    Should you wish for us to do anything else for the dog such as leaving lights on etc, we will happily accommodate this as well.
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30 Minute Canine Welfare Check
30 Minutes
£ 15.00
  • During the 30 minutes we will come to your home and allow your dog into the garden to relieve themselves as well as ensuring they have enough food and water.

    Additionally we will take some time to engage with your dog and play with them. Should you wish for us to do anything additional such as leave lights on or shut curtains we will happily do this as well.
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1 Hour Canine Welfare Check
1 hour
£ 20.00
  • This visit is ideal for dogs that may be a little nervous or reactive around new people in their home as it may take longer to get things done or for those that would like their dog to have some company for a little while.

    We will make sure your dog has food and water as well as time to relax in their garden. Additionally we will take time to engage with them and play with their toys. 

    if you have any special requests on how you would like to us to leave your home and we will happily accommodate this as well.
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Currently we are only taking booking for the above sessions in the Norwich area. Should you wish for us to come to your home outside of this area there will be an additional travel fee of £5.00. For walks involving 2 or more dogs, there will be a charge of £2.50 per additional dog. Please also note that if you have more than one dog, due to insurance purposes we are not allowed to walk more than 4 small dogs or 2 large dogs at a time dependant on behaviour. 

We reserve the right to end a session early should we feel that your dog is either in danger of hurting themselves or others and depending on the circumstances this session will be no refundable. 

** Please note some consultations may lead to a recommendation for one to one training. In this situation we will always inform you of our prices prior to asking you to commit to anything. **

Booking Request
Simply fill in your details below and we'll contact you to confirm your time.
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Time for walkies!

Our Accreditations

Having studied with the CPD accredited Centre of Excellence and PETbc accredited British College of Canine Studies as well as being a of member of the Complimentary Medical Association (CMA), our team are highly qualified to help.
Having studied the newest training techniques and learnt how to understand canine behaviour at a biological level, we here at A.D.A.P.T are ready and waiting for any challenge.
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Simply fill in your details below and we'll contact you to arrange a time.
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Norfolk & Suffolk
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